Welcome to FM Expert, a young, fast growing Football Manager fansite.

Our mission is to create Football Manager content at the highest level. And we do that. But it can always get better. And that’s why we need your help.

If you are a talented writer, in love with Football Manager, looking for an opportunity to show off your skills, FM Expert offers you a chance that you should not miss.

Why to join FM Expert?

  • Primarily because of the opportunity to improve your writing skills
  • An excellent start if you want to build a career in the media, you will have a portfolio that you can show as a reference to a future employer
  • You can write about the game you love, and those texts can reach millions of FM fans
  • There is no minimum or maximum number of articles you must write in a period. Write when you feel like it or when it inspires you

Who can sign up?

The level of familiarity with Football Manager is not important. Of course, it’s essential that you have some experience with the game, but whether you consider yourself a Football Manager expert or not, you can always share your thoughts, your play style or what you’ve discovered in Football Manager.

Your content can help our community grow and help you get noticed. We would love to publish your quality content even if it is a single article.

Type of content

The content can be varied. Anything to do with Football Manager is welcome. Here you have complete freedom and no one will ask you to write about something you don’t want to.

Below are some of the most popular types of articles about Football Manager, but you can write about anything.

  • short tips
  • advanced advices
  • challenge recommendations
  • league recommendations
  • club recommendations
  • player recommendations
  • FM simulation
  • tactical guides

How to sign up?

Applications can be sent to us by email: content@cro-manager.net

Send us a test article along with the application. Choose a topic of your choice and send us an article as a Google Document or as a regular MS Word document.

And that’s it. After you have sent everything, relax and wait for our reply. We hope it will be positive.